If you are visiting this site, you likely have some desire to learn more about health and wellness principles, based upon traditional and effective Eastern healing methods balanced with the most proven Western medicinal disciplines. I recommend you sign up for my free newsletter called “The Vital Health Alert,” for weekly updates on the best practices of traditional natural healing in conjunction with the relevant modern medicinal methods. I urge you to stay apprised of the proven and developing methods that will best ensure the health of you and your family.
My approach is to review these evidences as many as possibly I can and select these safe and cost-effective healing methods for your reference. My goal is simple: use what I learned to benefit the great society. If any of my readers get any benefit, no matter how little or how big, either you share with me or not, I will be very pleased. I’d like to put what I gained through the 27-year schooling and 15-year direct research in medicine into use. My view and opinions are reflecting what I know. If any points are not appropriate, please feel free to criticize me to help me become a better person.
My hope is: for your healing, use the most effective approach without the added cost.
The post Health Newsletter For You appeared first on Dr Natural Healing.