Natural Remedies — herb medicine
World Health Organization’s View on Traditional Medicine
Below is a brief review of the World Health Organization about traditional medicine. “Traditional medicine is the sum total of knowledge, skills and practices based on the theories, beliefs and experiences indigenous to different cultures that are used to maintain health, as well as to prevent, diagnose, improve or treat physical and mental illnesses. Traditional … Continue reading World Health Organization’s View on Traditional Medicine
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Traditional Chinese Medicine Article: Online Wall Street Journal
“According to traditional Chinese medicine, disease arises from imbalances in the body due to unhealthy factors in the natural environment and one’s lifestyle. General symptoms like dry mouth or film coating the tongue are signals that certain bodily systems are out of whack. While these signs may be ignored by Western doctors more focused on … Continue reading Traditional Chinese Medicine Article: Online Wall Street Journal
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Update of Herb Medicine Research

There has been a serious investment in herbal medicine research by public-health bodies in many countries. China recently launched a safety research program focusing on herbal medicine injections from traditional Chinese medicine. South Africa recently included the need for investigating traditional medicines within its national drug policy. In the USA, the National Center for Complementary … Continue reading Update of Herb Medicine Research
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Prospects of Traditional Chinese Medicine in China

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) plays a key role in China’s response to the healthcare needs and expectations of its population. In 2009 China’s State Council issued a guideline on TCM development. The guideline stresses an equal weight given to TCM and Western medicine; coordination of service delivery, health maintenance, research, education, impact of industry and … Continue reading Prospects of Traditional Chinese Medicine in China
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