Your Mucous Membrane of Nasal Cavity

Posted by Dr. James Liu on

You know your nose is very important for you. The good looking is about the outside of your nose. The good function of your nose relies on the inside of your nose – the mucous membrane lining.

The mucous membrane lining the interior of the nasal cavity extends through the little pathways of communication to line the accessory sinuses, so that it is easy for disease to spread from the nasal passages into the nasal sinuses and vice versa. The name pituitary, meaning “phlegm-producing,” is applied to this membrane, because it is supplied with numerous minute glands that open on its free surface, some of which create the ever-present secretions. The glands are of two kinds: mucous, which secrete a substance of a viscoid mucilaginous character, and serous glands, which secrete a thin watery fluid.

The nasal mucous membrane is very richly supplied with blood vessels and nerves. The nerves are of three kinds:

1) sensory, those that have to do with common sensation;
2) sympathetic, those that have control of the veins of the swelling tissue, and
3) olfactory, the nerve that serves the function of the special sense of smell.

The first kind are evident in the extreme sensitivity of the nose; its marked irritability, as shown by a tendency “to run” and give rise to sneezing with slight provocation, is due to the generous distribution of nerves of common sensation.

The second kind are present in a small ganglion of the sympathetic system, called Meckel’s ganglion, which is situated in the upper part of the nose. These give rise to the so-called vasomotor nerves, which control the network of veins constituting the erectile tissue.

The post Your Mucous Membrane of Nasal Cavity appeared first on Dr Natural Healing.

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