Natural Remedies — virus
Influenza: Nasal irrigation is an alternative approach

Definition Influenza is an acute infection of the respiratory tract caused by an influenza virus. Influenza, in short, Flu, is hard to differentiate from common cold at the beginning of the infection. For Flu prevention and treatment, there are flu vaccines and anti-flu viral drugs. However, if in case these flu vaccines and flu drugs … Continue reading Influenza: Nasal irrigation is an alternative approach
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Inflammation Produces the Symptoms of the Cold
It is the inflammation to cause you to have the symptoms of the Cold. Watch Full Movie Online Streaming Online and Download When cold viruses in the air are inhaled into your nasal cavity or introduced by a hand contaminated with cold viruses touching your nose or eye, the viruses will grow in your nasal … Continue reading Inflammation Produces the Symptoms of the Cold
The post Inflammation Produces the Symptoms of the Cold appeared first on Dr Natural Healing.
Common Cold Overview

Colds: Suffered by Individuals and by Society Sore throat, sneezing, runny nose—everyone knows the first set of these symptoms of a cold, the most common illness as currently known. Although the common cold is usually mild, with symptoms lasting 1 to 2 weeks, it is a leading cause of doctor visits and missed days from … Continue reading Common Cold Overview
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How to prevent antibiotic-resistant infections

It is everyone’s responsibility to avoid the risk of getting antibiotic-resistant infections. It is important to understand that antibiotics designed for bacterial infections are not useful for viral infections such as a cold, cough, or the flu. Below are some useful tips to remember: 1. Talk with your healthcare provider about antibiotic resistance: 1) Ask … Continue reading How to prevent antibiotic-resistant infections
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The Rhinovirus Causes Most Colds
From the name of the rhinovirus, you know they are the nose viruses. Rhinovirus cause about a 50 percent of all common colds. Rhinovirus grows at 91 oF (33 oC). As you know, the normal temperature of the rest of your body is about 98ºF (37ºC), so the cold virus would have a hard time … Continue reading The Rhinovirus Causes Most Colds
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