Natural Remedies — infection
Inflammation Produces the Symptoms of the Cold
It is the inflammation to cause you to have the symptoms of the Cold. Watch Full Movie Online Streaming Online and Download When cold viruses in the air are inhaled into your nasal cavity or introduced by a hand contaminated with cold viruses touching your nose or eye, the viruses will grow in your nasal … Continue reading Inflammation Produces the Symptoms of the Cold
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Chicken Soup and Common Cold
Homemade chicken soup has long been used to fight the common cold. It flushes out the nasal passages with its aromatic steam and offers hydration and comfort.Watch movie online The Transporter Refueled (2015) There is new evidence that chicken has anti-inflammatory properties, particularly if the skin is left in. In 2000, scientists at the University … Continue reading Chicken Soup and Common Cold
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Asthma links to Allergic and Non-Allergic Rhinitis

A number of clinical studies have reported that both allergic and non-allergic rhinitis are highly linked with asthma attack (Asthma flare up). Allergic rhinittis Allergic rhinitis and positive allergy skin tests are significant risk factors for developing new asthma. Individuals with either of these diagnoses are about three times more likely to develop asthma than … Continue reading Asthma links to Allergic and Non-Allergic Rhinitis
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How to prevent antibiotic-resistant infections

It is everyone’s responsibility to avoid the risk of getting antibiotic-resistant infections. It is important to understand that antibiotics designed for bacterial infections are not useful for viral infections such as a cold, cough, or the flu. Below are some useful tips to remember: 1. Talk with your healthcare provider about antibiotic resistance: 1) Ask … Continue reading How to prevent antibiotic-resistant infections
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Malnutrition and Increased Infection
Prior to the 1950s, little was known about the link between nutrition and infection. Until that time, it was believed that protein deficiency (kwashiorkor), more than total calorie deficiency (marasmus), was the main reason of nutrition problems, because, as known now, severe protein deficiency bore a definite relationship to antibody formation and the development of … Continue reading Malnutrition and Increased Infection
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