Natural Remedies — inflammation
Influenza: Nasal irrigation is an alternative approach

Definition Influenza is an acute infection of the respiratory tract caused by an influenza virus. Influenza, in short, Flu, is hard to differentiate from common cold at the beginning of the infection. For Flu prevention and treatment, there are flu vaccines and anti-flu viral drugs. However, if in case these flu vaccines and flu drugs … Continue reading Influenza: Nasal irrigation is an alternative approach
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Inflammation Produces the Symptoms of the Cold
It is the inflammation to cause you to have the symptoms of the Cold. Watch Full Movie Online Streaming Online and Download When cold viruses in the air are inhaled into your nasal cavity or introduced by a hand contaminated with cold viruses touching your nose or eye, the viruses will grow in your nasal … Continue reading Inflammation Produces the Symptoms of the Cold
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The Eustachian Tubes
Your nose and ear communicate well through their connection – the Eustachian Tube. On the side walls of the nasopharynx are the openings of the Eustachian tubes, right and left, connecting with the cavity of the middle ear. The middle ear space is the hollowed out portion of the skull bone that contains the hearing … Continue reading The Eustachian Tubes
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The Cold Disease Is in the Nose
The cold virus grows at 91 oF (33 oC) — your nose and throat are the perfect place for these viruses to grow. (Couch RB. Rhinoviruses. In: Fields Virology 1996). That’s why the common cold is also called viral rhinitis (the root rhin- meaning “nose”). These viruses are not transferred through the blood. In addition, … Continue reading The Cold Disease Is in the Nose
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The Major Problems of the Cold Viruses are in the Nasal and Nasopharyngeal Cavities
Many disease-causing microorganisms exist in the nasal and nasopharyngeal cavities. The shedding of communicable infectious microorganisms in the nasal and nasopharyngeal cavities causes spreading of the disease from the upper respiratory tract to the lower respiratory tract of the carrier. Shedding also causes the spreading these infectious agents to other people through sneezing and/or coughing … Continue reading The Major Problems of the Cold Viruses are in the Nasal and Nasopharyngeal Cavities
The post The Major Problems of the Cold Viruses are in the Nasal and Nasopharyngeal Cavities appeared first on Dr Natural Healing.