Bad breath partially comes from the nose
Bad breath is not just an oral hygiene issues, it is a disease needed to be treated by the joint efforts from an Ear Nose and Throat doctor and a dentist, as bad breath is very closely related to post nasal drip, excess mucus, sinus problems, your tonsils, and tonsiloliths. Dry mouth is one of the most common initiators of bad breath because it mimics an anaerobic environment, perfect for the bacteria to release out volatile sulfur compounds.
What is the main cause for bad breath? Bacteria growth. The bacterial metabolism causes bad breath and sour/bitter/metallic tastes. These bacteria are anaerobic. Their goal in life is to grow by utilizing energy and nutrients, like a human being. They have the capacity to break down the carbohydrates, fats and proteins in foods that we eat. However, under certain conditions, they will also start to break down the proteins found in mucus and phlegm.
Those people who suffer from post nasal drip, sinus problems, and other such ailments, therefore, are more prone to bad breath and lousy tastes because the bacteria use the mucus as a food source and start to extract sulfur compounds from the amino acids that make up the proteins found in the excess mucus.
Scientifically, the anaerobic bacteria that cause bad breath prefers to using the sulfur-containing amino acids cysteine and methionine, which are the building blocks of the proteins that are found in mucus (and phlegm) and in dairy foods, too. In fact, many people notice that when they drink too much milk or eat too much cheese they end up with more mucus or phlegm in their throat. This is a natural reaction for many people and unfortunately, ends up causing more bad breath and lousy taste.
Anyone suffers from excess mucus, sinus congestion and post nasal drip, there are several therapies:
(1) Drugs and side effects
Use medication and or drugs, such as antihistamines, to help relieve congestion. While these drugs dry up the sinuses and prevent mucus buildup – they also cause dry mouth, a likely side-effect of virtually all antihistamines. You should be careful about using any antihistamine too frequently.
There are many different over-the counter nasal decongestants and antihistamines you can use to help relieve congestion and dry up excess mucus, and some of them are very good per label claim. They create an extremely dry mouth, which exacerbates bad breath. And even in cases where the dry mouth side effect is minimal, when you stop taking that medication the problem comes back, and almost always with a vengeance! This is because in some cases, your body will actually develop a resistance to any antihistamines or nasal decongestants, especially nasal sprays because many sprays are habit forming.
(2) Nasal irrigation as a natural healing
Perform an effective nasal irrigation to cleanse your sinuses or free your sinuses from excess mucus. For treating chronic sinusitis, top ENTs have stated that an effective nasal irrigation is the first line therapy. Nasal irrigation is the most effective method of eliminating post-nasal drip and helping to control sinus infections. The NasalCare Nasal Irrigation Kit is an FDA registered device and won the “Best New Product” Award at the won the “Best New Product” award at 2010 Cough, Cold and Allergy Conference. When you feel a sinus condition come on, or feel that you have persistent post-nasal drip and excess mucus, consistent daily use for 10 days should result in an improved condition.
Post nasal drip, sinusitis and excess mucus – all need to be treated with nasal irrigation. All of these are related to the nose and mouth – you need to consult with the ENT and dentists about performing an effective nasal irrigation.
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