Yes, antibiotics are still working for the majority of patients with bacterial infections. However, every year, almost a quarter of a million people die in the USA alone from widespread sepsis – a bad bacterial infection. The best modern antibiotics didn’t save their life.
Worldwide, that figure rises to tens of millions of people a year, according to the Global Sepsis Alliance (GSA). That makes sepsis the likely leading cause of death today, according to Konrad Reinhart, M.D., Chairman of the GSA and director of the Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, University of Jena, Germany.
The fact is, sepsis kills regardless of age, ethnicity, location and access to care. It strikes swiftly and strikes hard. Antibiotics are failing. No new ones are coming along or ever likely to, fast enough to do the rescue.
“Developing new therapies for sepsis has been particularly challenging, with more than 25 unsuccessful drug trials,” says Jonathan S. Boomer, of the Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis.
750,000 Americans each year contract sepsis and 225,000 die. That’s almost one third. [The study appears Dec. 21, 2011 in the Journal of the American Medical Association] . Patients with sepsis may present with fever, shock, altered mental status, and organ dysfunction. It’s all due to bacteria running riot in the patient’s body.
The median (midpoint) number of days in the ICU for patients with sepsis was 8 before death, and the median duration of the sepsis was 4 days. Of course, for some, death was much quicker than that.
It accords well with what I keep saying, over and over: you CANNOT afford to wait till disaster strikes to get wised up on antibiotics alternatives.
Start to use natural methods to fight against the most common infection – common cold with NasalCare®. Removing away these cold viruses is much effective than using any antibiotics. Simply, no antibiotics can kill common cold viruses.
The post A Post-Antibiotics World appeared first on Dr Natural Healing.