Interesting News: Men with Asthma Appear Less Likely to get Prostate Cancer

Posted by Dr Natural Healing on

In a recent study from Johns Hopkins University, it appears that some men with a history of asthma are less likely to develop prostate cancer.

As the excerpt suggests, the researchers don’t yet know why the correlation exists, but it’s an interesting read.

Here’s an excerpt:

Men with an asthma history were 29 percent less likely than non-asthmatics to be either diagnosed with prostate cancer that spread elsewhere in the body or to die of the disease. Looking at fatalities alone, asthmatic men were 36 percent less likely to die of prostate cancer.

But this doesn’t mean that asthma protects men from prostate cancer.

“We don’t know yet whether the association we see in this observational study is a case of cause-and-effect,” says Elizabeth A. Platz, an epidemiologist at Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health and Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center.

Courtesy of FUTURITY.ORG  Read the whole article here.

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