top-10-summaries — cold
Top 10 Article Summaries: How To Recognize A Flu (Influenza)
Article: Influenza Signs and Symptoms and the Role of Laboratory ... - CDCSummary: Surveillance can also identify the predominant circulating types, influenza A virus subtypes, and strains of influenza viruses....
Top 10 Article Summaries: Common Flu (Influenza) Symptoms
Article: Flu Symptoms & Complications | Seasonal Influenza (Flu) | CDCSummary: The flu is different from a cold. Flu ComplicationsMost people who get influenza will recover in a few days...
Top 10 Article Summaries: Signs Of A Flu (Influenza)
Article: Influenza (flu) - Symptoms and causes - Mayo ClinicSummary: Influenza, commonly called the flu, is not the same as stomach "flu" viruses that cause diarrhea and vomiting. If you...
Top 10 Article Summaries: How To Recognize A Cold
Article: How to Recognize the Difference Between a Cold and the Flu (Influenza)Summary: Princess RapidfireIf you've been throwing up, keep a trash can with a bag in it nearby. Lay...
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- say
- season
- seasonal
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- severity
- sheet
- shortness
- shot
- sick
- signs
- similarities
- sinus
- slightly
- smooth
- soap
- sore
- soup
- spot
- spray
- spread
- spreads
- start
- starting
- stay
- steps
- stomach
- strain
- strains
- studies
- stuffy
- substitute
- subtype
- sudden
- suddenly
- suffer
- sufferers
- summer
- supplements
- sure
- symbicortsymbicort
- symptomfree
- symptoms
- syndrome
- system
- taken
- talking
- tamiflu
- teachers
- tell
- tends
- test
- tests
- thats
- thing
- things
- think
- thorough
- throat
- throatrunny
- throwing
- tips
- tiredsome
- tong
- tool
- touch
- touching
- tract
- trademarks
- trash
- treat
- treated
- treating
- treatment
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- triggers
- trouble
- try
- tubes
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- two2
- type
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- uncommon
- understand
- university
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- using
- usual
- usualif
- usually
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- vaccination
- vaccine
- vaccines
- variety
- vary
- versus
- video
- viral
- virus
- viruses
- visit
- visits
- vitamin
- vividoctor
- vomiting
- vs
- walking
- warning
- washing
- watch
- water
- way
- ways
- weakened
- webmd
- week
- weekday
- wheezing
- women
- work
- workplacebut
- works
- worry
- worse
- worsen
- worsening
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- yearly
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- young
- youre
- youve